Made in Arkansas, an organization that supports and promotes Arkansas filmmakers, is holding the second annual Made in Arkansas Film Festival May 14-16, 2020 at CALS Ron Robinson theater in Little Rock. The festival showcases films made in Arkansas, and acts as a networking opportunity for Arkansas filmmakers.
“Made in Arkansas gives us a chance to come together, share our films, talk about upcoming projects, and just celebrate film,” says festival organizer Johnnie Brannon.
Film submissions are still being accepted. The festival features films from a variety of genres, both short and feature-length. Submissions from first-time filmmakers and students are also welcomed and encouraged.
“This year we’re accepting submissions from filmmakers with an Arkansas connection, and to filmmakers in neighboring states,” Brannon said. To qualify, at least 75% of the film must have been shot in Arkansas.
To submit, filmmakers can visit Made in Arkansas’s page on FilmFreeway. The submission deadline is April 24.
Last year’s Made in Arkansas was filled with diverse, high quality films. Read Arthouse Garage’s coverage of MIAFF 2019, here: The Made in Arkansas Film Festival: It’s Not Just for “Movie People”
Some film stills from last year’s festival: